MBSE with GENESYS Oct 2023

Decomposing Composite Requirements

Composite requirements must be broken down into single, verifiable requirement statements • Break up requirements without changing the meaning • Maintain traceability to originating requirement (and indirectly the source document) Steps to create new child requirements from composite parent requirement 1. Duplicate requirement specifying a new name 2. Edit Description in new child requirement 3. Set child Type attribute to “nil” 4. Relate child to parent using refines relationship 5. Renumber composite requirement to automatically number new children


Decomposing R.2.2

1. Duplicate “Retain Inventory and Provide Products” a) Set duplicate name to “Retain Inventory” b) Edit the description to a single verifiable statement c) Set Type to “nil” d) Establish refines relationship with “Retain Inventory and Provide Products” 2. Repeat process duplicating parent to create “Provide Products” 3. Renumber parent Requirement “R.2.2”



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