MBSE with GENESYS 12 31 2023
Toggling between Node and Graphic Display The control to display a node or an image resides with each diagram 1. Open the physical block diagram for Component “System Component”
• If you view diagrams in the project explorer, click the “Physical Block” tab • If you view diagrams as separate windows, click on the diagram background and select Physical Block from the Views ribbon 2. Click on “Geospatial Library” 3. Select the “Properties” tab in the toolbox 4. Toggle the “Show Image” drop ‐ down to flip between box and image display
Associating a Graphic or File with an Entity Quickly Drag ‐ dropping a file from Windows on to a GENESYS entity is a shortcut for associating
the file with the entity. Any file can be associated as an External File augmenting the entity. A graphic file can also be set as the entity image. 1. Open Windows Explorer 2. Navigate to the graphics directory and into the GeospatialSample folder 3. Drag ‐ drop files on to the corresponding entity and select “Set image” a) Cert.bmp ‐ > Certification Authority
b) Customer.bmp ‐ > Customers c) Collectors.bmp ‐ > Collectors
Graphics ‐ > C:\Program Files\Vitech\GENESYS #### Collaborative Edition\Bitmaps
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