MBSE with GENESYS 073122
Reviewing the Parsed Entities
1. Select entity “1.0 Scope” and review the description 2. Is there anything of value? (it was a header in the document) 3. Delete 1.0 SCOPE 4. Select “2.0 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS”, review, and Delete 5. Select “Debris 001”, review, and Delete There are three ways to delete an entity • Right-click the entity and select Delete from the context menu • Use the Delete command in the Home ribbon tab • Use the Delete key
Deleting an entity removes it and all linkages to it from the repository – THINK TWICE
Reviewing “Debris 002”
1. Select “Debris 002” and review the Description This text is actually the description of the source document itself. We can copy/paste it as the description of the Geospatial Library source document. 2. Highlight and copy the text from the Description attribute
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