MBSE with GENESYS 073122
Opening a Property Sheet
1. Double- click “Fast Food System” in the browser panel to open the property sheet as a separate window Double-clicking an entity anywhere in GENESYS is a shortcut to open the property sheet The property sheet allows us to • characterize the entity (the upper region) • see the valid relationships types (the lower-left region) • see the current relationships and their attributes (the lower-right region) 2. Close the property sheet
Changing an Attribute and Accessing Versions
1. In the project explorer, make a change to the Description attribute 2. Click in the Abbreviation attribute When you change fields or close a window, GENESYS saves the changed value 3. Click the versioning icon at the right of the Description pane The version dialog allows you to access and restore previous versions. Project administrators determine which attributes should be versioned. 4. Click OK to close the version dialog
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