MBSE with GENESYS 073122
Defining Specializations
There are two specializations of “Deliver Image”, one if the product is already in inventory and one if the product must be collected 1. Select the UseCase we wish to specialize (“Deliver Image”) 2. Click Edit Specializations in the Diagram ribbon 3. Click New and create “Retrieve Existing Product” 4. Click New and create “Collect and Deliver New Product” 5. Click Close
Associating Actors with the Use Cases
Actors participate in the associated UseCases . We can use drag-drop to
establish these relationships. 1. Select the actor “Customer” 2. Hold the control key and drag-drop on to “Deliver Image” 3. After dropping the actor, select participates in as the relationship 4. Complete the remaining associations a) “Customers” - > “Assess Performance” b) “Customers” - > “Certify User” c) “Collectors” - > “Collect and Deliver New Product” d) “Certification Authority” - > “Certify User”
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