MBSE with GENESYS 040323

Viewing the Concern “Media of Requests” To properly capture the Concern, we must edit the attributes. This can be done by:

• Double ‐ clicking on the “Media of Requests” in the target list to open a property sheet • Manually navigating to the entity in the project explorer by clicking on the Concern class and then clicking on the “Media of Requests” entity (may require changing the facility from “Essential” to “Systems Engineering”) • Selecting the “Media of Requests” target and clicking the Jump to Target command


Capturing Design and Journey

Requirement (with problem)

generates (generated by)

Document (Trade Study)

documented by (documents)

refined by (refines)


results in (result of)

Requirement (Design Decision)

Color Code

Requirement Entity

Functional Entity

basis of (based on) or specifies (specified by)

Physical Entity

Interface Entity

Verification Entity

Other Entity

(solution entity)



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