MBSE with GENESYS 040323

Reviewing the Resulting Excel Table


Defining a Table: Column Types • Common • Class – class of the entity

• Entity – entity itself shown based upon the default sort block representation • Entity Attribute – specified attribute for the entity (e.g., description, number) • Parameter – specified parameter for the entity shown as objective units [not updatable] • Relationship Target – entity targets for the specified definition • Less frequently used • Blank – blank column [useful for layout purposes] • Folder – folder in which the entity resides • Parameter (field) – specific parameter field (objective, threshold, design, observed, units) • Relationship – entity relationships for the specified definition [only use if accessing a relationship attribute] • Relationship Attribute – specified attribute for the relationship [must operate upon a relationship column] • System Property – the specified property for the entity (e.g., modificationStamp)



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