MBSE with GENESYS 040323

A Sidebar: Establishing Relationships

• Capturing the interrelationships in systems engineering is critical • Decomposition (of requirements, functions, components, …) • Traceability of requirements into the architecture • Allocation of the behavioral architecture on to the physical architecture • Resolution of risks and concerns • … • Creating relationships can be done via • The targets window ( Edit Targets or double-click on a relationship in the property sheet) • Drag-dropping one entity on to another (in lists, in diagrams, or between lists and diagrams)


Decomposing R.2.3 1. Duplicate “Control Multiple Collectors and Collector Types” a) Set duplicate name to “Control Multiple Collectors” b) Set Type to “nil” c) Establish refines relationship with “Control Multiple Collectors and Collector Types” 2. Repeat process duplicating parent to create “Control Multiple Collector Types” 3. Renumber parent Requirement “R.2.3”



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