MBSE with GENESYS 040323
Setting Our Project Properties Project properties are settings and descriptive values for a given project 1. (Optional) Enter Organization Name and Organization Address 2. (Optional) Enter Customer Name and Customer Address 3. Set Base Path and External Graphics Path
4. Select Design Integrity Checker These properties will be used when generating documents and for managing external files
Base Path ‐ > C:\Program Files\Vitech\GENESYS #### Collaborative Edition Graphics ‐ > C:\Program Files\Vitech\GENESYS #### Collaborative Edition\Bitmaps
Editing Project Permissions Project permissions are managed from the Project ribbon or the Projects tab of the Administrative Tools
1. Click Set Permissions 2. Select User or Group 3. Select and set permissions
User/group permissions are set by checking the appropriate boxes for • Read
• Update • Create • Delete • Full Control
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