MBSE with GENESYS 040323
Leveraging Parameters: Descriptive Text, Computable Numerics Parameters can be inserted into any text field 1. Click the “Attributes” tab 2. Click in the Description panel 3. Right ‐ click to access the context menu a) Select Insert Parameter b) Select the parameter previously added or create a New Parameter The selected parameter field is inserted into the text using markup language. The
parameter value can only be edited via the parameters tab, but the value in the text field will be automatically updated. When output in a report or on a diagram, the markup language is hidden
Reviewing Entity Diagnostic Errors
1. Click the “Diagnostics” tab Completeness errors reflect where attributes are incomplete or relationships don’t exist (e.g., a leaf ‐ level Requirement that does not trace into the solution architecture) Design integrity errors reflect inconsistencies in the descriptive architecture (e.g., an Item between Functions that is not properly mapped to a connecting Link ) The desired completeness and design integrity checkers are specified as part of the project properties. These can be customized based upon a team’s methodology or schema extensions.
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