MBSE with GENESYS 040323
Essential Characteristics of the Systems Model
A system is a whole that cannot be divided into independent parts without losing its essential characteristics as a whole. It follows from this definition that, a system’s essential defining properties are the product of the interactions of its parts, not the actions of the parts considered separately. Therefore, when a system is taken apart, or its parts are considered independently of each other, the system loses its essential properties. Furthermore, when performance of each part taken separately is improved, the performance of the system as a whole may not be, and usually isn’t. --Russell Ackoff
What MBSE is All About
• Making system descriptive and analytical models explicit , coherent , consistent , and actionable • Evolution from low-fidelity representations in documents to higher-fidelity, richer representations • Improved granularity of knowledge capture for management, analysis, and learning • One architectural model connecting multiple analytical models • Leveraging models for communication and analysis • Developing an “authoritative source of truth” for system design and specification • Ensuring consistent design and specification (when done well) • Providing an explicit system model to engineering teams An evolution – not revolution – in thinking and approach… An evolution that offers transformative results
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