MBSE with GENESYS 040323
Automatic Creation of the Root Function The root Function is the container for functions allocated to a Component . It is decomposed by the functions and reflects the behavior of the Component . The model assistant automatically creates the root Function and properly relates it to the Component . Model assistant rules also enable you to see behavioral views of the Component directly from the Component . This reinforces the fact that there is one integrated model with behavioral and physical perspectives rather than multiple disjoint models.
Changing Project Preferences for Activity Diagrams Activity diagrams can be displayed in vertical or horizontal layout. We will use horizontal to maximize screen space.
We will toggle off constraining boundary items to the diagram frame. This is an indicator of items that flow from or to other parts of the system design (useful at other times but not for us at this stage). 1. From the application menu, open the preferences 2. Select Project Preferences > Diagrams > Activity 3. Uncheck “Constrain Boundary Items to Frame” 4. Change the orientation to “Horizontal” 5. Change Node Size to 125 x 90 6. Change Template to “Number/Name/Allocation” 7. Change Item Node Size to 90 x 45
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