MBSE with GENESYS 040323
Setting the Subject and Add Actors The subject is the Component described by the UseCase and is shown as a label at the top of the use case frame 1. Select Set Subject from the Diagram ribbon 2. Select “Geospatial Library”, click Add , and Close The actors at the system level are the external systems we previously defined. Use “Actors” from the toolbox to add these entities. 3. Drag ‐ drop “Actors” on to the diagram 4. Select “Certification Authority”, “Collectors”, and “Customers” from the list, click Add , and Close
Showing the Actors as Stick Figures Actors can be shown three different ways
• stick figure (implies human) • node (implies non ‐ human) • graphical images
Unless all actors are shown as stick figures, GENESYS uses the entity type to determine the representation (“Human” drawn as a stick figure, all other types as nodes) To show all actors as stick figures 1. Select the “Properties” tab in the toolbox 2. Check the “Always Use Stick Figures” option
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