MBSE with CORE 100821

A Recommended Workflow for Managing Concerns

1. Create a new Concern setting the Status to “Open” and accurately capturing the Importance 2. Complete some analysis to answer the concern (generally accomplished through a customer clarification or a trade study) 3. Create traceability to analysis using the documented by relationship 4. Document a Decision and Rationale from the analysis 5. Create new element in the model that closes the Concern ( Concern results in ) 6. Change Concern Status to “Closed” 7. Connect the in the primary traceability flow


Capturing the Initial Attributes for the Concern

1. Enter the critical attributes to reflect the initial state of the Concern • The Description repeats the source information for context then clearly states the problem • Importance reflects the severity • Status indicates where this concern is in its lifecycle • Assumptions reflects any assumptions made about the problem or solution (team members may challenge these now or in the future) • Alternatives reflects the possible resolutions considered (helping to avoid rework in the future if this question is revisited)



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