MBSE with CORE 100821
Defining Behavior from Stimulus to Response, cont. The pre-condition tells us the product is in inventory so no branching logic is required 1. Drag- drop “New Node” after “t1. Accept and Format Request” to define our next Function “t1. Get Product from Inventory” Once we have the desired product, we need to provide it to the customer
2. Drag- drop “New Node” after “t1. Get Product from Inventory” to define our last Function “t1. Provide Product to Customer”
Remember that Functions should always be expressed as verb or verb noun statements
Defining Behavior from Stimulus to Response, cont.
To complete our behavior, we should specify the Item flow 1. Ctrl-drag- drop “t1. product” on “t1. Provide Product to Customer” and select output from 2. Click “t1. Accept and Format Request” and shift- click “t1. Get Product from Inventory” 3. Click Connect via Input toolbar button and create Item “t1. Formatted Request” 4. Click “t1. Get Product from Inventory” and shift- click “t1. Provide Product to Customer” 5. Click Connect via Input toolbar button and create Item “t1. Inventory Product”
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