MBSE with CORE 100821

Connecting the Exchanges with the Certification Authority At the context layer, it’s best to think

through the exchanges in pairwise fashion. Who initiates the interaction, what does it send, and what does it receive? 1. From the Geospatial Library to the Certification Authority a) Add “certification requests” 2. From the Certification Authority to the Geospatial Library a) Add “certification responses” When using Connect via Trigger the Item is output from the first function selected and triggers all other functions selected


Connecting the Exchanges with the Collectors

1. From the Geospatial Library to the Collectors a) Add “collector tasking” 2. From the Collectors to the Geospatial Library a) Add “collector data” We could have also connected the exchanges via • Edit Outputs and Edit Triggers toolbar commands • Drag- drop of “Outputs” and “Triggers” from the toolbox

Drag-drop of Items from the “Key Entities” tab on to the function nodes



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