Land Savers October 2024

I T ’ S T H AT T I M E O F Y E A R AG A I N ! Time for our annual Conservation Celebration at Braeloch at Glenburn Farms in Vinton. But wait, something is missing, you say? What happened to the “auction”?This year we are doing something new. We will still have great food, awesome music, a beautiful setting, and a wonderful time with those who come to celebrate the hard work of local conservation heroes but there’s more! Instead of an auction this year we decided to raffle for a Trek Verve+ 3 Lowstep E-bike and it has been wildly popular - almost all tickets sold ahead of time.

To make things even more exciting we have the pleasure of welcoming Jay Leutze, author of Stand UpThat Mountain: The Battle to Save One Small Community in the Wilderness Along the Appalachian Trail as our keynote speaker. Stand UpThat Mountain has won numerous awards, includingThe Reed Environmental Writing Award from the Southern Environmental Law Center, and was named the Southern Independent

Booksellers Alliance Nonfiction Book of the Year. The American Bar Association honored the book at its Silver Gavel Awards dinner in July, 2013, citing it as “a work of art that has added to the public’s understanding of the law.” Jay Leutze will discuss conservation from our Appalachian backyard to the global effort to protect 30% of the earth’s land and water by 2030. For more information on the Celebration or to RSVP head to our website ( ), email Tina at , or call the office at 540-985-0000 x 3 . H O P E T O S E E YO U T H E R E !


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