Keep Your Company Moving


Total Scalable Solution 1. Rip Prevention

2. Edge Damage Monitoring 3. Belt Position Monitoring 4. Remote Belt Steering System 5. Remote Belt Scanning & Monitoring

EMSYS Belt Asset Management program through BTI

The EMSYS Belt Asset Management program offers a complete scalable solution that allows you to focus on production and core business practices while removing much of the concern about belting issues.

Our Total Scalable Solution offers:

Junior Almexpad

• REMOTE MONITORING A Global Monitoring Center in Atlanta provides real-time updates on belt conditions and enables remote scans • BELTGARD BELT CONDTION MONITORING Installation of the EMYS BELTGARD system allows continuous scans and detects cable or splice damage • WSRS RIP DETECTION & EDGE DAMAGE MONITORING WSRS can be used alone or as a backup redundant system to LSRS and also provide belt position monitoring and edge damage monitoring • LSRS SMARTWIRE RIP DETECTION The most advanced rip detection capable of reading all other systems and providing retrofit and new belt options ALMEX also offers options for financing and belt insurance depending on your needs. With our extensive industry experience, Belt Tech can offer advice on the best mix for your operation’s needs.

Belt Rip Detection

Belt Rip Detection System


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