To become more independent is very important to Keaton. He sometimes talks of having his own apartment away from his parents. We assure him that it is a very expensive ambition involving rent, utilities, groceries, and all the necessities involved in living alone. We point out that he has his own “apartment” in the basement of his home. The basement is his choice as it has no windows, and he can sleep there without experiencing fear of storms. To be awakened by storms is something that has always frightened him. We remind him of his posture and of his voice tone. Both tend to cause people to turn and look at him. It is not that it is an embarrassment to the family, but rather it is not the image that Keaton wants to project. I will have to say that Keaton accepts criticism well. Fortunately, he receives more positive remarks than negative ones. I have attempted to explain that while Keaton will always have some characteristics that are due to his autism, he continues to exceed all our hopes and prayers for him. There is more in the following section regarding his present life and his ambition; this will show more clearly how his special gift of love for others enriches the lives of all whom he meets.
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