Chapter V (College Years) “Striving to go forward”
Keaton had completed thirteen years of public school receiving nothing below an “A” in his classes. He had missed only one day in the tenth grade and one in the eleventh grade, both due to illness. He was a prime candidate for college. He had no desire to go away to school nor did his parents feel comfortable having him leave home and the security of family and friends. So with New River Community College close by, he enrolled. He had honed his computer skills nearly all his life. This was a natural choice of careers for him. For the first time in over four years he found himself in school without the benefit of having his parents nearby. The student body is made up of people from six surrounding counties and he knew few of them. He was befriended by counselors and tutors. Keaton enjoyed going to college and sharing this fact with others. This is what many of his classmates were doing and what he expected to be doing. He experienced the let-down feeling that often accompanies the transition from the feeling of success and being
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