A great deal of prayer and greater amount of insistence from my grandson Keaton has resulted in my attempt to write. My hope is to impart to others the experiences I have lived as the grandmother of an autistic grandson who is so special to me. My first effort at creative writing consisted of poetry written in high school and in the early years of college. The poetry writing ended when I asked an English Professor to suggest a book that dealt with the subject of my interest. His exact response was “Oh no! Just what the world needs: another d*** lady poet”! Friends and acquaintances have told Keaton that he should write a book. He has long enjoyed composing lists of names for parties, picnics or gatherings for special occasions. He writes his own notes in cards and in letters, nearly all of them sent by what is now called “snail mail”. He has given me at least three manuscripts of his portion of our book. For the last five years he has been ready. He finally convinced me by saying that he and his mother would like for him to have a book of his own to display as he speaks to groups regarding how he copes with autism. I realized how much it means to Keaton for us to publish this book. Our book is a combination of Keaton’s writings and of mine. He sat next to me at our table to be able to read as I wrote. He stated that he wanted to be certain that none of his “transgressions” are included. What these are, or what he perceives them to be, I
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