car. I asked him to get into the car so that we could leave the parking lot before school was out. He just stood on the walk and responded that he could not leave until the final bell sounded. I tried to change his mind, explaining that he had been released early for just this reason. He still refused, saying it would not be right if he did not follow regulations. Frustrated, I asked him where his flexibility was. His response was to hand me the piece of stained glass artwork he had just completed, and to say, “Here it is”! I now have that stained glass hanging in a window, and tell everyone that it is entitled “Keaton’s Flexibility”. An example of Keaton’s ability to handle dates, is that I asked him what day of the week December 16, 19** fell. He replied that he needed a little “thinking time” to compute his answer. After a minute or so he came up with the correct day! To explain this date, I will share that this is the date of my birth eighty some years ago. How he can perform such a task, I do not know. This also goes for days and dates of events in the future. Pretty amazing, isn’t it? Swim Team My oldest son, Hank, had become the coach for the swim team when his twin daughters were freshmen at the high school. Four years later, Hank’s son “Chip”, a freshman, wantedhisdad tobehis coach inswimming; Hank, being an emergency room physician, was able to fit this in his schedule—just barely. Keaton who was two years behind Chip, loved the water and was a good swimmer, so he joined the team. Hank, his wife Janet, and the other coaches had patience with the
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