While reading this book, there are a few things I feel are important reference points. First and foremost, Keaton has been an absolute blessing from God to our entire family and many others who cross his path. I am convinced that our family, and more specifically my marriage, has been strengthened ten-fold through his life. While I would be lying if I did not admit to having those days when I question why God will not simply ‘heal’ Keaton; I realize God has greater things in mind! As Pam and I began searching for just the perfect name for our first born, there was a huge issue. We both had been school teachers for several years by then, teaching hundreds of kids. Every time one of us came up with a name, there always seemed to be an objection by the other. Seems our experiences with some of our more ‘difficult students’, left a bad taste in our mouths about their given names. After several weeks of tossing about names and even looking at a few of those “Name Books”, our search became stagnant. Then out of the blue, Peggy Love, my mother-in-law called my wife and told her she had the perfect name, Mark Keaton; the first name after me and Keaton being my mom’s maiden name. How many in-laws have that kind of relationship? Peggy and mom did not meet until Pam and I were close to being engaged and they lived 90 miles apart. So why would she be so willing to name her first grandchild after my mom? Simple, she was a lady of
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