Chapter 3 Middle School
I went to middle school in Dublin, Virginia. I had some good experiences and some bad experiences. In fourth grade, I had one teacher for Social Studies, one teacher for Math, and one teacher for Science. Switching classes was hard for me in fourth grade because I had only one teacher all day for four years and that was the routine that I was used to. In fifth and sixth grade, my parents always made sure that I only had one teacher because they knew that I was not ready to switch classes yet. It was the first time that I started meeting people in school. Sixth grade was easy for me. I only had one teacher that year. I really enjoyed having one teacher. I admired all of my sixth grade classmates. My sixth grade teacher was also probably one of the best teachers that I had in my school career. Seventh and eighth grades were hard for me. I had four classes each day with different teachers. I had a lot of homework in all of my classes every night of the week. We were trying different medications to try to help me focus. These medications were hard to get right because I was growing so fast. I was angry most of the time and would walk around in the
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