Chapter III (Middle School) “A Few Bumps Along the Way”
In the early summer between elementary school and middle school, we had our usual Memorial Day Cookout for Keaton’s Birthday. As his birthday is on May twenty-ninth we often combine the two outings. Keaton enjoyed these cook-outs; members of both his father’s family and his mother’s family attended. Friends and neighbors also joined the party. The age difference between Gavin and Keaton was more apparent that particular summer, however. Gavin was six years old and Keaton was eleven years old. It was noticeable in Keaton’s growth and in his increased mood swings. Keaton was not a typical pre-teen or teenager. His parents would discover this truth later when Gavin was a teenager. In late August the boys went back to school, Gavin to Critzer Elementary School and the first grade and Keaton to Dublin Middle School and the sixth grade. Keaton showed a real tendency to become attached to his teachers. This is a trait that stayed with him throughout Community College. It is less difficult for him to communicate with adults than with persons his own age. It still is today.
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