The second thing was that my teacher graded my handwriting. I became very upset when I did not get an “A” on everything. My mom and my occupational therapist had ameetingwithmy teacher and explained that I was taking occupational therapy to learn how to write and should not be graded on handwriting. The teacher agreed and never did it again, she would put, “Not Your Best Work” on my paper. This practice worked for me until the end of elementary school. The third thing was that I was in a bus wreck and my bus driver blamed me; she stated that I was the reason that the bus wrecked. They looked on the bus camera and saw that I did nothing wrong and that it was not my fault. They made sure that I got a seat belt on the bus afterwards as my mom recommended. My occupational therapist was always trying to help. She would research thoughts on how to help autistic children. For example, she suggested brushing me with a surgical brush to try to calm me. My parents tried brushing me for eight weeks. Though this felt good, we could not tell that it helped. One of my fears was a song called, “Let’s Get Ready to Rumble”. I was afraid of that song because the bell was too loud. When Liberty High School played in the state basketball tournament at Liberty University, the sound system was loud and it hurt my ears. They loved to play this song at The Vine Center and I would get up, go to the restroom, and play in the sink. A couple years later, they played the song at a picnic at Virginia Military Institute and I took off and ran to the barracks. My parents were frightened when I took off and ran and they were surprised because
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