Chapter 2 Elementary School
I started going to school in Bedford, Virginia. Transition was hard for me. I visited the principal and met my teacher in April, the spring before, so I would get used to her. I played on the playground but I did not communicate with other children my own age. My teacher and my principal could tell that something was wrong with me. My kindergarten teacher and my first grade teacher were probably two of the best teachers that I had in my school career. I really admired both of them. In a kindergarten play, I was “Mr. D” the Daddy in a wedding where “Mr. Q” and “Mrs. U” got married. I was giving “Mrs. U” away. The principal was “Mr. M” the minister officiating the wedding. I was in a Christmas pageant that year also. When I was in the Christmas pageant, while the play was going on, I made every one of the Christmas decorations on the Christmas tree look straight. I always liked everything to look perfect. In first grade, I was George Washington in a play. I used to collect Disney movies and watch each one of them. My top five Disney movies were Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, The Jungle Book, The Lion King, and Mary Poppins. I had a huge fascination with
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