to place him in another middle school rather than the one in our community. Five years later Gavin attended the middle school in our community and was successful and happy there. Keaton’s house is located over the hill from our house with just enough of a hill that we cannot see each other’s house. It was good that Keaton, from the time that he moved here, could walk to our house by himself. This gave him the opportunity to be somewhat independent, a small act of progress. Keaton has always enjoyed Disney films and books with fairy tales. As a result of this, he called the neighbor who lives across the street from him, his “fairy godmother”. She is one of our closest friends; she thought Keaton’s name for her a compliment, as well as humorous. Later, asKeatoncame tounderstand that fairy godmother was a fictional character, he decided that she must be his godmother. She is as close to being one as he has. Her name is Evelyn and that is what I will call her from now on in this book. It was learned that a social skills development class for children with autism was being conducted at Radford University. Keaton was taken weekly to participate in the group. It consisted of six males. They played board games, took turns speaking, and wrote new articles and letters to help improve their social skills. As instructed, he wrote articles about the happenings in the group, as if for publication. This has proven to be a helpful skill for him with his present enjoyment of writing sports articles. He has sports related information on his blog and on his twitter page.
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