wanted to go on even numbered years. This was to help satisfy his concept of perfect patterns. He still has definite ideas of what makes up these patterns and he does not like to change them. Alas, summer came to an end too soon, as it always does. Keaton and Gavin were enrolled in the Critzer Elementary School nearby; Keaton in the fifth grade and Gavin in kindergarten. To illustrate how much Gavin had become aware of Keaton’s condition, a conversation Mark overheard is paraphrased: Mark had taken Gavin for a pre-kindergarten test and chat with the principal. As he waited outside the door Mark heard the principal ask Gavin if he had any concerns or questions. Gavin replied that he would be fine, but he would need them to watch over his brother Keaton! Keaton received all the help that was specified in his Individual Educational Program (IEP) at Critzer. This included a full-time aide; the man who was to work with Keaton had completed several years of college. He remained with Keaton for the entire year. Keaton was placed in regular classes; this would be true for him throughout his school years. (This is important to point out as it is usual for schools to place a student who is “different” in whatever special education class thought appropriate). Keaton was fortunate that his autistic needs had been identified early. He was never to be placed in Special Education Class again. His special help came in the form of additional time for tests and for aides appropriate to his Asperger’s Syndrome.
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