in Lexington, a trip was made to The University of Virginia Hospital. The pediatric neurologist diagnosed Keaton with the condition known as Asperger’s Syndrome. Keaton continued to go to the UVA’s Kluge Clinic each month for as long as he lived in Lexington. It was suggested that he have a Magnetic Resonator Imaging (MRI) to reinforce the diagnosis of autism. The MRI was conducted at The University of Virginia Hospital. The results showed that Keaton did not have a brain tumor or a lesion of the brain. The diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome remained in place. One of the humorous incidents from his time in Lexington involves Keaton’s name for Gavin’s preschool. Gavin attended a pre-school at the Catholic Church. Each time we passed the church Keaton would point out the “Cathaletic” school his brother attended. This seemed a logical name to him as his father was employed in the athletic building at VMI. Keaton had physical therapy to build strength in his legs. This was paid for by his parents. This therapy was necessary for him to learn to pump his legs while swinging and to be able to ride a bike.
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