doctor examined Keaton again, just three months after his first examination. This time the doctor gave his complete attention to Keaton’s speech and observed each action. He recommended that Keaton receive a specialized observation and referred him to a neurologist. The trip to the neurologist was made by Mark, his dad, and me, along with Keaton of course. Keaton was given an Electro Encephalograph (EEG), the results of which were explained to Mark. In essence it showed existing irregular brain waves or patterns. The outcome of the trip to the neurologist was a referral to a speech therapist. A speech therapist in Roanoke worked with Keaton each week. She was able to discern that in her professional opinion he had a type of autism classified as Asperger’s Syndrome. This was yet another milestone for the family. We began to read any article, book, or any available information regarding Asperger’s Syndrome. We accepted that it is possible for Keaton to be “a little autistic”. Keaton returned to “Miss Amy’s” preschool to complete the year. Weekly trips to the therapist covered about four years. After the first year in Roanoke, he was able to see the same doctor in Bedford where Keaton lived. He became proficient in computer skills as he worked on a program designed to aid the understanding of the spoken word. This particular programwas developed by Scientific Learning in California. Keaton became better adjusted in his preschool. A speech therapist was sent from the county school
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