a few days very stressed parents were picking up a very stressed little boy. Keaton had cried most of the day, eating almost nothing at snack or lunchtime. The nap time was the worst for him and for the workers. The phrases he was saying during nap time confused the staff. The principal/preacher told Keaton’s parents that he sat on his cot and said “Your momma’s going to get you”; Keaton repeated this over and over. The principal believed that Keaton was threatening to have his parents rebuke the staff for something done to him. The family later realized that Keaton was reassuring himself that his mother would be back for him. This reassurance had been given to him by his parents and the staff over and over. By saying your and you instead of my and me, Keaton’s meaning was unclear to the staff. Using the correct pronoun was something the family worked on with Keaton for many years. It was now the end of his first week and what would turn out to be the end of his stay at this preschool. He became ill with a virus. The principal took this opportunity to call his father and to tell him that Keaton needed to be picked up from school. Mark was informed that it would be best for all concerned if Keaton was removed from that school permanently. The family was in turmoil. Both of his parents were public school teachers, and some sort of care for Keaton was needed immediately. He came to Pulaski to stay with us the next week. During his stay, my older son, who is a physician, treated Keaton for his fever. I asked my son Carl Hanks Jr., what he thought might be Keaton’s basic problem. I must tell you now
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