Here he comes now, loping over the hill, turning into our yard. Soon he will open the door and call out to us and ask one of his questions that I know so well. “Where are you guys”? Or maybe “Where have you been”? “Who did you see”? “Guess who I saw today”? If I do not reply he will answer with a description of the person and his or her family connections, rather than to just give a name. He enjoys talking and pacing the floor in addition to having us for an audience for a while. In addition to his “I have a question for you”, he may say that he needs a serious talk. This talk could be about a subject that is troubling him or some”scoop” he has heard or overheard. When he speaks about a past event whether yesterday or years ago, he will start with “Back in the day”. Our house has become his second home. We encourage his conversations and keep the chocolate ice cream and chocolate chip cookies ready for him. Where we go Keaton is welcome to go with us. He is a part of our family and we want him to know it. We provide him with a season ticket to our family box in Calfee Park. It is baseball season again so Yankees beware! We are likely to attend every home game here in Pulaski. In closing, I pray that Keaton’s life may have a Happy Ever After ending. To quote our favorite character Tiny Tim, “God bless us everyone!”
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