Journal APS Oct 2017

W alnut


Ozkan, Y. and A. Gumus. 2001. Effects of different applications on grafting under controlled conditions of walnut ( Juglans regia L.). Acta Hort. 544:515-520. Reil, O.W., A.C. Leslie, I.H. Forde, and R.J. McKenna. 1998. Walnut propagation, p. 71-83. In: D.E. Ramos (eds.). Walnut pro- duction manual. University of California, Division of Agr. and Natural Resources. Rezaee, R. and K. Vahdati. 2008. Introducing of a simple and effective procedure for topworking Persian walnut tree. J. Amer. Pomol. Soc. 62:21-26.

Rongting, X. and D. Pinghai. 1993. A study on the uniting process of walnut grafting and the factors affecting. Acta Hort. 311:160-170. Soleimani, A., V. Rabiei, and D. Hassani. 2010. Effect of different techniques on walnut ( J. regia L.) grafting. J. Food Agr. & Environ. 8:544-546. Stanisavljevic, M. and M. Mitrovic. 1997. Effect of variety on successful grafting and development of nursery trees of walnut ( Juglans regia L). Acta Hort. 442:281-283.

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End well.

Adams County Nursery recognizes the importance of starting with quality nursery stock. We know it is your goal to produce high quality fruit. We strive to produce quality trees for the commercial industry. Let us help you get started. Begin with us. Begin well.

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