International Marketing Practices

International phytosanitary compliance often stands as a significant barrier for small to medium sized firms, but to keep this document concise, it is only briefly mentioned here. For more detailed information and useful tools related to phytosanitary compliance, please access the following resources from the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). • Miscellaneous and Processed Products Import Manual [78]. Lists background, procedures, and reference tables for the regulation of imported processed articles of plant and non-plant sources ( miscellaneous.pdf). • Phytosanitary Certificate Issuance and Tracking System (PCIT) [80]. Tracks the inspection of agricultural products and certifies compliance with plant health standards of importing countries ( • Phytosanitary Export Database (PExD) [79]. Contains phytosanitary import requirements commodities from the U.S. to foreign countries (access through link in the PCIT website, see above). In addition, the Food and Agriculture Organization’s Guide to Implementation of Phytosanitary Standards in Forestry [81] provides information on International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures and the role of forest management practices in implementing phytosanitary standards and facilitating safe trade ( Chapter Questions

1. Describe the product you want to export. 2. What market does this compete in? 3. Who is your customer in this market?


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