International Marketing Practices
Appendix B: Organizations Assisting Exporters This appendix details resources and institutions that facilitate international trade to and from the U.S. through a number of services, like loans and financial assistance, business relationships, strategy recommendations, and a variety of others. These institutions assist in general forest products export, like the Department of Commerce and the Export-Import Bank, as well as provide industry-specific resources, like the American Hardwood Export Council or Softwood Export Council. U.S. Department of Commerce The Department of Commerce runs a number of programs to generate economic growth and opportunities for U.S. businesses. The department has established a number of strategic goals, including initiatives to accelerate American leadership, create jobs, strengthen economic and national security, fulfill constitutional requirements, and deliver service excellence. U.S. Commercial Service The Department of Commerce provides export assistance through the International Trade Administration, which in turn runs the U.S. Commercial Service. The Commercial Service promotes exports by U.S. small to medium sized businesses and helps to foster business relationships. International Trade Administration The International Trade Administration seeks to strengthen U.S. competitiveness abroad through trade and investment. To do so, it operates in three units — Global Markets, Industry and Analysis, and Enforcement and Compliance — to provide services like counseling, advocacy, matchmaking services, market research, licensing, and certifications. is a website that assists in export planning, development, and execution. The International Trade Administration and 19 other U.S. government agencies collaboratively provide information for effective export from the U.S., such as export education, market identification, legal and financial considerations, logistics, and others.
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