UCo Inspiration Guidebook

Massage BRANDS

Certified Gluten-Free Massage Products Created for Therapists' Hands & Healing Experiences Developed with the help of LMT's and a sustainability expert, Pure-ssage offers thoughtfully formulated massage lotions, creams, butters, and gels to help you deliver a truly holistic approach to your treatments while offering skin-nourishing, hypoallergenic care to your hands. Pure-ssage is made in the USA and is free from harmful preservatives and chemicals like parabens and formaldehyde releasers.


Innovative Wellness Tools Created by Professionals for Professionals Offer wellness-based services and treatment solutions for your guests! Theratools' carefully curated assortment of professional tools can help expedite the healing process for your clients and lengthen your career by making services easier to perform. From herbal wraps to naturally sourced salt, basalt, marble and soapstones, you'll have everything you need to be successful.


universalcompanies.com | 1.800.558.5571


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