In Service to Our Country
Reid, David ( D -32nd) Seniority in the House: 96 Part of Loudoun Pocahontas 804.698.1032 • RoomW438 P.O.Box 4132 Ashburn, VA 20148 P 703.662.1395 Birthday: 1/14; Spouse: Barbara
Branch and Time of Service USNR (February 1988-July 2011) Highest Rank: Commander O-5
Awards and Decorations Navy-Marine Corps Commendation Medal (1997,2003,2005) Navy-Marine Corps Achievement Medal (1997) National Defense Service Medal Director of Central Intelligence Meritorious Unit Citation
Expert Rifleman Medal Expert Pistol Shot Medal
Reeves, Bryce E. ( R -17th) Seniority in the Senate: 23 Orange and Fredericksburg; Part of Albemarle, Culpeper, Louisa and Spotsylvania Pocahontas 804.698.7517 • Room E521 P.O. Box 7021 Fredericksburg, VA 22404 P 540.645.8440 Birthday: 11/28; Spouse: Anne
Branch and Time of Service United States Army (1989-2002) Ranger, Airborne Highest Rank: Captain, U.S. Army Infantry Boards and Commissions Board of Veterans Services Co-Chair Military and Veterans Caucus
Virginia Military Advisory Council Commission on Military Installations and Defense Activities
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