ISPA 2018 Universal Companies
ESS ® Specialty Oils Make It Easy to Use Aromatherapy roughout Your Spa Create a true spa experience with signature scents that resonate throughout your spa, from locker room to treatment rooms, using these Water Soluble and Steam Room Oils.
NEW! Complete Pro Steam Room Oil Disperse these clarifying aromas in your steam room or sauna. Eucalyptus 1 gallon N6000 $69.00 5 gallon N6030 $279.00 Lavender 1 gallon N6033 $69.00 5 gallon N6034 $279.00 S T E A M R O O M & S A U N A | L O C K E R & R E L A X AT I O N A R E A 6 6 Citrus 1 gallon N6035 $69.00 N6036 $237.95 5 gallon Water Soluble Essential Oils Water soluble essential oil blends can be used in water-based finished products such as unscented lotion and body wash bases. They can also be infused into hot towels and added to pedicure soaks, baths, steam rooms, and linen/room sprays. 30 ml Relaxation ESR7554 $14.95 Eucalyptus ESR7555 $12.75 Lemongrass ESR7556 $12.75 Lavender ESR7557 $13.50 3 3 2 U N I V E R S A L C O M P A N I E S . C O M
Steam Room Oils
These Steam Room Oils are water soluble, so they disperse more easily and eliminate clogging and corrosion of your equipment. Add oils to dispenser in your steam generator or use in a spray bottle. 1 bottle dilutes to make about 9 gallons. 1 kg. Eucalyptus ESP337 $72.50 Lavender ESP341 $150.00
NEW! ESS ® Shower Mist Just a few spritzes and a warm, steamy shower becomes an invigorating aromatherapeutic experience.
2 fl. oz. Lavender
8 fl. oz. Lavender
N6029 Eucalyptus N6028 Citrus N6037 $4.95 Suggested Retail $9.90
N6027 Eucalyptus N6025 Citrus N6038 $15.95 Suggested Retail $31.90
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