ISPA 2018 Universal Companies
Wellness & Body Treatments
NEW! Complete Nutrition (Plankton Supplement) Marine phytoplankton is the most nutritionally rich substance on Earth. This blend of over 60 wild species of marine phytoplankton contains a variety of nutrients, vitamins, essential fatty acids, nucleic acids (RNA and DNA), amino acids, and proteins. 60 capsules. MRS213 $35.00
Himalayan Crystal Salt Bath This bath salt contains 84 essential minerals, which are readily absorbed into the skin during a 15-30 minute bath. Known to help hydrate the skin, increase moisture retention, and soothe dry, scaling, irritated skin. 9 oz. MRS205 $6.00 44 oz. MRS204 $24.50 212 oz. MRS204P $95.00 Herbal Bath with Pine The famous moor bath is one of nature's truly luxurious treats. The water-soluble nutrients in the moor create a soothing and purifying effect for the whole body. Take a moor bath for a relaxing, reinvigorating bathing experience. 27 fl. oz. MRS203 $18.20 135 fl. oz. MRS203P $77.00
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Herbal Bath The water-soluble nutrients in the moor create a soothing and purifying effect for the whole body. Take a moor bath for a relaxing, reinvigorating bathing experience. 6 fl. oz. MRS202 $5.80 30 fl. oz. MRS201 $23.10 135 fl. oz. MRS201P $78.00
Body Treatments Body Mask (100% moor) Revitalize and renew the skin and body with this moor complex blend of humic and fulvic acid,
Moor Gel Body Mask For softer, smoother skin without the mess, try this gel mask. Originally created for dry room use, it features moor essence blended with moisturizing Canadian willow extract and aloe vera. 33.8 fl. oz. MRS223 $43.90 169 fl. oz. MRS223P $179.00 Gemstone Clay Body Mask This green gemstone clay comes from the west coast of Vancouver Island. It’s rich in minerals, rare earths, and gemstone material, with the energetic qualities of tourmaline. 33.8 fl. oz. MRS226 $44.90 169 fl. oz. MRS226P $184.00
Seaweed Gel Body Mask Use the Seaweed Gel Body Mask to effectively purify and nourish skin. Rich in vitamins and minerals, klamath blue-green algae and sea kelp extract are combined with a moisturizing gel base. 33.8 fl. oz. MRS224 $49.80 169 fl. oz. MRS224P $199.50 Kelzyme Body Mask For exfoliation, detoxification, and pH balancing, use this mask with fossilized, calcified kelp deposit from a seabed in Nevada. It has over 70% calcium and over 70 trace minerals, plus a wealth of life enhancing enzymes. 33.8 fl. oz. MRS229 $59.50 169 fl. oz. MRS229P $249.50
Firming Contour Gel Help reduce swelling in tissues
with this gel. It contains horse chestnut seed extract, seaweed extract to firm and tone the skin, while menthol creates a refreshing, cooling effect. 6.8 fl. oz. MRS227 $22.30 Suggested Retail $44.60 16.9 fl. oz. MRS227P $49.50 Himalayan Crystal Salt Glow Revitalize the skin with this body exfoliation. Himalayan bath salt encourages circulation, hydrates, and increases moisture retention. Contains 84 essential minerals. Use with Moor Spa Complete Oil, for best results. 42 oz. MRS225 $26.40 212 oz. MRS225P $104.50
trace minerals, vitamins, and other phytonutrients.
16.9 fl. oz. MRS221 $21.50 169 fl. oz. MRS221P $159.50
Algamoor Body Mask Algamoor mud, extracted from a lake bed in Northern Germany, is hydrating, remineralizing, and easy to apply and remove both from the body and from towels. It has relatively no smell and is composed entirely of algae. 16.9 fl. oz. MRS222 $18.50 169 fl. oz. MRS222P $144.40
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