ISPA 2018 Universal Companies
Choose 100% Pure ESS ® Aromatherapy to Be Sure You’re Getting Quality Essential Oils! You can be sure you’re getting the purest oils available, guaranteed to be unadulterated, when you choose ESS Aromatherapy. ESS selects only the highest quality essential oils from around the world.
Basil, Linalol Ocimum basilicum Stimulating and clearing. 10 ml ESR7701 $9.25 Benzoin 40% Styrax tonkinensis Vanilla aroma with balsamic tones. 10 ml ESR7702 $7.50 ESR7703 $10.50 Bergamot FCF Citrus bergamia Cleansing. Not phototoxic. 10 ml ESR7704 $10.75 Birch (Sweet) Betula lenta Sharp, minty winter green. 10 ml Citrus Aurantium Energizing. 10 ml ESR7558 $7.50 Camphor (White) Cinnamomum Camphora Sharp, pungent, clarifying. 10 ml ESR7706 $7.50 Cedarwood, Atlas Cedrus atlantica Warm, sweet balsamic oil. 10 ml ESR7708 $6.75 E S S | A R O M AT H E R A P Y 1 0 Bergamot Citrus bergamia Sweet, citrus note with a warm balsamic hint. Calming. 10 ml ESR7825 $9.25 Blood Orange 1 3 6
Chamomile, German (Blue) Matricaria recutita Soothing, comforting. 2 ml ESR7709 $16.75 Chamomile, Roman Anthemis nobilis Soothing, calming. 5 ml ESR7711 $20.00 10 ml ESR7712 $35.00 Very strong stimulant. Should not be used on mucous membranes. 10 ml ESR7713 $6.95 Clary Sage Salvia sclarea Euphoric. Uplifting. 10 ml ESR7715 $12.50 Clove Bud Eugenia caryophyllata Sweet, spicy, and fruity. Invigorating and uplifting. Use sparingly. 10 ml 10 ml ESR7716 $6.95 Cypress Cupressus sempervirens Green, fresh, woodsy. 10 ml ESR7717 $6.75 Cinnamon Leaf Cinnamomum zeylanicum
Eucalyptus Globulus Eucalytpus globulus Clearing, stimulating. 10 ml ESR7718 $6.25 30 ml ESR7719 $12.50 250 ml ESR7720 $37.50 1 kg ESR7785 $85.50 Fennel Sweet Foeniculum Vulgare Var. Dulce Very sweet, anise-like, slightly earthy- peppery scent. Stimulating Fir Balsam Abies Balsamea Highly prized, fir is bright and uplifting, yet also grounding. 10 ml ESR7723 $7.75 Frankincense Boswellia carterii Commonly used as incense. Tension reducer. 10 ml ESR7725 $22.50 Geranium (Egyptian) Pelargonium graveolens Green, fresh notes with a hint of rose. Uplifting. 10 ml ESR7726 $12.50 30 ml ESR7727 $32.50 Ginger Zingiber officinale Warm, peppery, woodsy, spicy. 10 ml ESR7728 $13.25 Grapefruit Citrus grandis Gentle cleansing for the body. Uplifting. and balancing. 10 ml ESR7722 $6.50
Helicrysum Helicrysum angustofolia
Additive for skin care preparations. For problem or mature skin. 10 ml ESR7731 $27.25 Jasmine, 5% Jasminum grandiflorum Used as a pulse point fragrance. Blended with coconut oil. 10 ml
ESR7734 $14.95 Juniper Berry Juniperus communis
Sweet, fresh, woodsy tones. Detoxifying, energizing. 10 ml ESR7735 $16.50 Lavandin (Super) Lavandula hybrida Refreshing, sharp, and penetrating. Has a floral aroma. Great for skin care. 10 ml ESR7736 $7.75 30 ml ESR7737 $12.95 250 ml ESR7738 $58.50 Lavender (French) Lavandula angustifolia Gentle. The most versatile oil. Slight floral scent. 10 ml ESR7739 $9.50 30 ml ESR7740 $21.50 250 ml ESR7741 $121.95 1 kg ESR7789 $205.00 Lavender (High Altitude)
Eucalyptus Citriodora Eucalyptus citriodora Lemon scented. Stimulating
Lavandula officinalis From France, grown at over 3,000 ft.
and invigorating. 10ml ESR7721 $7.50
10 ml ESR7742 $12.50 30 ml ESR7743 $28.50 250 ml ESR7744 $168.00
10 ml ESR7729 $6.75 30 ml ESR7730 $16.75
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