IMS Student Handbook 2017-2018
Committee when the principal determines it is appropriate and necessary. Additional staff can be added to a committee as appropriate. Grayson County Community Based Attendance Committee The school system and community will maintain a Community Based Attendance Committee. Truancy cases that have been addressed at the School-Based Attendance Committee, without resolution, will be referred to this committee. The committee will be scheduled to meet twice per month unless further action is needed. The membership of the committee will consist of a Grayson County Schools Central Office Designee, the School Social Worker and a representative from each of the following agencies: Grayson County Sherriff’s Department Grayson County Social Services Grayson County Juvenile Courts Mount Rogers Youth Services Additional staff may be added to this committee as appropriate. III. TARDIES AND EARLY DISMISSALS Tardiness and early dismissals may be caused or due to many things. Teachers and administrators should always determine the reason for tardiness and early dismissals. Repeated or habitual tardiness and/or early dismissals disrupt the orderly instructional process of the school. Therefore, corrective action is required and the principal and/or teacher should employ appropriate disciplinary measures. The principal shall exercise discretionary power in matters of tardiness and early dismissals. Excessive tardiness and early dismissals will be investigated and appropriate disciplinary action will be administered. The principal will contact the parents by phone and written letter requesting a conference. IV. DISMISSAL PRECAUTIONS Principals shall not release a student during the school day to any person not authorized by the student’s parent/guardian to assume responsibility for the student. Students shall be released only on request and authorization of the parent or guardian. The Superintendent shall provide procedures for release of students who are not residing with or under the supervision of a parent/guardian. The burden of proof on the authority of the person to receive the student is on the requesting party. A formal check-out system shall be maintained in each school. V. MAKE-UP WORK A student is expected to make up all work missed regardless of the reason for the absence. This also includes absence(s) due to out of school suspension. At no time is a student to miss additional class time to make up missed work. Make-up work assigned is to be directly related to the content of the class(es) missed. The following guidelines will be used for make-up work: For the first day missed, a student will be given three school days to submit make-up work. If more consecutive days are missed, the student will be granted one additional school day for each day of absence.
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