IMS Student Handbook 2017-2018
At no time may any device be used with an unfiltered connection to the Internet. The division is not liable for devices brought to school or school activities. If a student possesses or uses such a device other than as permitted in this policy, in addition to other disciplinary sanctions which may be imposed, the device may be confiscated from the student and returned only to the student’s parent. FAILURE TO TURN IN A COMMUNICATION DEVICE TO A TEACHER, PRINCIPAL, OR STAFF MEMBER WILL BE AN AUTOMATIC REFERRAL TO THE OFFICE. FURTHER DISCIPLINARY ACTION MAY TAKE PLACE AT THAT TIME. CELLPHONES Students in the middle school may only use cell phones during bus room, breakfast, lunch and in the afternoon bus room. No pictures are to be taken during school hours. Inappropriate use of cell phones will result in the phone being confiscated and a parent will have to pick them up. Repeat offenses will result in disciplinary action. Students may use the phone in the Main Office only in cases of an emergency and with permission from the high school secretary, assistant principal or principal. Students cannot make long distance calls on the school telephone except for official school business. No other school phones are to be used by students. (This includes the chorus and band). Students will not be called to the telephone during school hours. In cases of emergencies, messages will be delivered through the school office. Frequent use of the telephone by students interferes seriously with instructional time and the operation of the school. SKATEBOARDS Skateboards cannot be used on the Grayson County High School or Independence Middle School campuses.
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