Habitat for Humanity in the Roanoke Valley Summer 2019
Homeownership provides better security and safety:
A study of violent crime in New York City suburbs found that homeownership status significantly reduced a house- hold’s incidence of crime. Another study showed that homeowners have significantly less risk of being subject to a violent assault. According to a survey of more than 400 Habitat homeowners in Minnesota conducted by Wilder Research of St. Paul, 83% consider their children safer after the family’s move into a Habitat home.
Since 1986, Habitat for Humanity in the Roanoke Valley (HFHRV) has helped over 250 families achieve safe, affordable housing. In the past 3 years, HFHRV has built over 30 affordable, accessible, energy-efficient, cost-effective homes unique to the needs and income levels of the families we serve. We will continue to work toward a world where everyone has a decent place to live, and where measurable improvements in health, education and security are enjoyed by hardworking families who need a hand up, not a handout.
Your support makes a profound, tangible, positive impact in the lives of the families we serve, in the neighborhoods in which we build, and in YOUR community. Please help us continue our mission.
On a local level, we have seen expansive positive change as part of our collaborative effort with other non-profit organizations and the City of Roanoke. Below is one small example of the impact in one of Roanoke City’s target neighborhoods.
Number of inoperable vehicles down by 32% Weed & trash citations down by 47% Property maintenance citations down by 54% Graffiti complaints down by 100%
According to Code Enforcement in the Roanoke Valley between 2011 and 2016
Total criminal offenses down 10% Property crime down 19% Calls for service down 16%
According to Law Enforcement in the Roanoke Valley between 2010 and 2016
Overall improved neighborhood image Reduction in blighting factors
2011 median sales price for homes: $70,000 2011 average assessed value for homes: $87,000 2015 median sales price: $121,000 2015 average assessed home value: $140,000
According to Property Valuation in the Roanoke Valley between 2011 and 2015
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