Habitat for Humanity - EOY Newsletter
ves a COMMUNITY . Every invigorated COMMUNITY boosts the ECONOMY . E. YOU are the KEY.
Community There is a domino effect that occurs when Habitat renovates and builds in a community. Not only do our high-quality, Earth Craft certified homes improve the look and feel of the neighborhoods we serve, they increase property values, which helps drive economic de- velopment. Through our neighborhood revitalization work, we tailor our efforts to suit the needs of each individual community by partnering with the residents, community leaders, churches, schools, neighborhood coalitions, local government and other nonprofit organizations to address the concerns of the people who live in the neighborhoods we work in.
Our inclusive, collaborative response to community goals and concerns encourages
Partnership and Education Homeownership is a lofty endeavor, which is why we invest in the partnership with our homebuyers from the onset. One way in which we do this is by providing a required financial curriculum that teaches Habitat homebuyers about budgeting, credit, debt and loans, saving, investing and planning for the future and emergency situations, as well as house maintenance and the entire mortgage process. Through the homebuyer program, our families even
help build their own home and the homes of others in our program. Teaching the people we serve the fundamentals of the mortgage process leads to a greater investment in the home and empowers them to take control of their finances. Gaining a more in-depth understanding of these important concepts takes the mystery out of the home-buying process, instills confidence and a sense of pride, and builds a solid foundation for long-term personal success.
port our mission: Bequest | Charitable Lead Trust | Charitable Gift Annuity | Charitable Remainder Trust
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