Goodwill Excel Center
Grocery Store Goodwill is proud to be part of Northwest Roanoke’s community and we are committed to contributing to the strength and resilience of our community. We know physical health is crucial for families to thrive. Through inclusion of a grocery store in Northwest Roanoke, Goodwill will collaborate to provide access to fresh, healthy, affordable food options for Roanoke families. This grocery store will not only improve healthy food access, but also will provide family sustaining employment for Northwest residents. And more…. Goodwill will continue delivery of programs designed to empower individuals, strengthen families, and inspire communities. Those include: • GoodCare – a training program that has equipped hundreds of Virginians to achieve a career in health care • GoodStart – a program providing hundreds of individuals returning from incarceration the chance to learn new skills and enter jobs at a living wage. • New Vision – this service equips individuals who are blind or visually impaired with tools to increase self sufficiency. • Senior Community Service Employment Program – this program connects older workers to earn-and-learn opportunities and to employment to maintain self-sufficiency. • Services to Individuals with Disabilities – Goodwill provides a wide array of employment services to youth and adults with disabilities. • Services to Youth – Goodwill provides a youth center for middle and high schoolers designed to help them succeed and thrive. We also provide an array of career development, internship, and employment opportunities for youth.
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