Genesys Report Writer August 2023

HierachyEntity Report Band Controls Here we will set the HierarchyEntity band controls to sort numerically, restrict the hierarchy descent to 1 level, choose not to output duplicate targets, and follow the “built from” relation 1. Select the caret on HerarchyEntityReportBand 2. Select “Numeric” sort 3. Set “Maximum Levels” to 1 4. Select the Relations drop-down and select the “built from” relationship 5. Uncheck “Report Duplicates” 6. Close the space between the report footer and the bottom of the label control in hierarchyEntityReportBand1. 7. Save report 8. Select Preview button


HierarchyEntity ReportBand Preview The HierarchyEntity looks at ALL elements in the class and uses the selected relation to included elements in the report.


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