Genesys Report Writer August 2023

Create Folder and Move New Report

Create a new folder to organize the examples we will be creating in this class and move your first report into the folder. 1. Right-click the Reports folder to access the context menu 2. Select “New Folder” 3. Create new folder titled “1) Report Writer Class” 4. Select your “EX.1 My First Report” and drag-drop it into the newly created “1) Report Writer Class” folder.


Exporting a Single Report

GENESYS provides the capability to export a single report from the Project Explorer 1. Select “Reports” in Project Explorer 2. Right-click on the report to be exported to open the context menu and select “Export” 3. Save the report to the desired location and click “Save” Exporting reports allows you to share the reports to other users, or other repositories Reports exist at the Repository level


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