Genesys Report Writer Aug 2023
Relationships Band Output
1. Select the caret on “RelationshipDefinition” Label 2. Select the “Entity Representation” ellipses 3. Select “Entity Attribute” in the Type, and “name” in the Field 4. Select the caret on the “RelationshipTarget” Label 5. Select the “Entity Representation” ellipses 6. Select “Entity Attribute” in the Type, and “number” in the Field 7. Add “: “ in the suffix field 8. Insert a new field 9. Select “Entity Attribute” in the Type, and “name” in the Field 10.Select “RelationshipDefintion”label and align text to the right 11.Select “RelationshipTarget” label and align text to the left 12.Close empty space in detailBand5
Requirement Report Preview
1. Save Report 2. Select Report Preview button Report looks good!
We need to make sure the content stays together and is not split across multiple pages
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