Return to the Land
STIFF CUFF BOX used in the early 1 800’s by Llila Miller Eaton of Bristol, Va. Donor Harriet H. Fillenger. Displayed in long glass-enclosed case in center of main room upstairs. In the same room upstairs a FRAMED TYPED SHEET hangs on the wall listing members of the Firebaugh family. The list indicates that several Firebaugh boys married Miller girls who gave birth to sons giving them first and second names that Vaden and David mentioned as being used in the Miller family. A QUILT is displayed on the wall in the back bedroom upstairs that was made by Willie Firebaugh, a daughter of Major Phillip Miller Firebaugh, CSA. (Red, white and blue patchwork quilt.) A folded WOOLEN BLANKET is displayed on the bottom of the bed in the bedroom upstairs. The display card reads CIRCA 2745 – Woven in MILLER’S MILL – Fincastle Donor – Mrs. R.D. Boaz. (Blanket is tan with orange and dark brown stripes). A second WOOLEN BLANKET is displayed next to the Miller blanket that was woven by AMMEN’S MILL. In addition to the blanket a FRAMED PICTURE of AMMEN’S WOOLEN MILL, Fincastle, VA., is displayed with a separate side picture (8”x10”_ of Michael T. Ammen 1824-1903. A caption under the picture of the mill notes that Michael is pictured standing in the entrance of the mill. Hanging on the wall in the main room downstairs is a WOVEN MULTI-COLORED CLOTH displ aying signs, pictures and letters. (Turkeys, horses, flowers, etc…). This was donated to the museum by Susan Creeble Mary Arnold Firebaugh CHARLES MILLER FIREBAUGH Alfred, Clara and Betty Riley Firebaugh
NOTE: The above description was written by Mark Miller, son of Carl A. Miller and grandson of John Harvey Miller.
We now return to Grandfather’s recollection of John Miller. In the early and mid- 1700’s land was being settled westward and entrepreneurs like Christian and John Miller took advantage of acquiring more land west of the Roanoke Grant. Grandfather spoke of John Miller moving to
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